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Social isolation and loneliness


Even when you are surrounded by others here on campus, you may still feel like you are all alone. Feeling like you don’t fit in or don’t belong even though there are people around you is called perceived social isolation. Research shows that college students today are reporting more loneliness than in previous generations. The American College Association found that in 2017, 64% of students reported feeling lonely at some point during the past, within the past year, and 42% perceive a sense of social isolation.

Some students report college makes social isolation and loneliness worse because of the expectations they had about college. College is seen as a place where everyone is supposedly having the “time of their lives” and there are always parties. Some images of college can be unrealistic because they come from fictional movies or popular media. College students tend to share posts on social media at fun social moments and not when they are studying, feeling left out, or all the times they have on campus. Reports show that those with higher social media use feel more lonely or depressed. This has to do with making comparisons between oneself and others, such as the belief that others are always having fun, and the belief that you are missing out.

What you can do to feel more connected:

Spend time outside of your room.

Join a group on campus that shares your interest.

Take a break from your phone – there are even apps to help, such as Forest, where you can plant virtual trees and cannot not use your phone while the trees are growing, or else they will wither.

Keep busy.


Get enough sleep.

Connect with others in person.

Want to learn more? On Feb. 11, there is a panel discussion on Social Isolation in the Touhey Forum from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

Want to do something to feel more socially connected?

On Feb. 12, Saint Rose will have a full day of Random Acts of Kindness. A day to reach out, connect, and do something nice for others.

Examples of random acts of kindness (that you can do anytime):

Hold the door open for someone.

Let someone go ahead of you in the checkout line.

Offer your seat on the bus to someone else.

Compliment at least three people today.

Smile at people as you walk to class.

While everyone feels left out every once in a while, feelings of social isolation and loneliness can be overwhelming. Social isolation and loneliness are often associated with anxiety and depression.

If you are feeling left out, socially isolated, lonely, or worried, reach out to someone you trust. It is likely that this person has also experienced loneliness at some point. The Counseling Center also offers support. Contact us at counseling@strose.edu if you are interested in learning about these upcoming group topics: LGBTQ+ Identity Exploration, Life Skills & Self-Care, Emotional Wellness, Sexual Assault, Grief, and more.

If you would like to discuss issues related to social isolation, loneliness, or anything else, reach out to the Counseling Center. Come see us at 441 Western Ave. for an initial screening session. We also have evening hours! We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please call 518-454-5200 with any questions. Follow us on Instagram @csrcounselingctr to learn about upcoming events. We hope to see you soon!


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